Friday, December 12, 2008

Wetdog, Wall Street, and an omission

The truth I do not stretch or shove
When I state that the dog is full of love.
I've also found, by actual test,
A wetdog is the lovingest.

Ogden Nash

Well, I'm not positive about that attribution. It came from another site , Some guy in Missouri who trains dogs I think. I googled wetdog for the hell of it to see what was there. There's some sourceforge project that says "Use Wet Dog to lock down both Mozilla and Firefox (1 and 2) using ..." OK whatever. Then there's some chick punk trio from England, an Australian party invitation outfit, glass blowers in New Orleans, a kid's book about a dog that is wet ldo, and then my favorite. The original and the best, . I emailed the guy a couple of weeks ago, but he hasn't answered. I'll let you know if he plans to sue me or something. There's a bunch more links for wetdog but I'm sure not going to bore you with them all.

So, something about me that you don't know is that I've worked all my adult life in financial services. Most of the time I worked in the back office of brokerage firms and banks. I'm currently in IT, so I'm safe from the layoffs, but our customers are brokerage firms and banks. Now, I've been watching from the sidelines since July knowing that a massive truckload of shit was going to hit the fan. Countrywide and IndyMac were the canaries that should have told us all to get the hell out of the coal mine. It's just a solid stream of shit coming in watery clumps. Insurance companies, brokerages, banks, automakers all gagging and who's next, auto parts suppliers, retailers? I tell you what, I think I'm just going to hoard my cash for now and see what I can get in a couple of months.

It dawned on me this morning that I didn't mention something in my last post. BEER! OK the caps should make up for the omission. Oh, and one thing I will continue to consume and not hoard my cash away from is beer. There, that should make up for it.


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